$20 will be donated to women & children's shelters per t-shirt sold
The 1 True Beautiful You T-Shirt
& Jewel - A Beautiful Concept
Updated: Aug 26, 2018
4 True Tasks to be met
4 True Task Jewels to be Worn on Your T-Shirt
after each Task is Completed
There is Only 1 True Beautiful You!
Your True Task Awaits You!
Your first jewel comes with your t-shirt the 2nd, 3rd & 4th jewels may be ordered on the 1truebeautifulyou.com website
In addition to the true tasks that are taking place everywhere $20 from each sale will be donated to Woman and Children's shelters nationwide.
Your first true task code and password will be included with Your letter t jewel the others will come with each jewel when ordered.
Remember that 1 True Beautiful You is a belief, an understanding of how important it is to love ourselves so that we may love and help others. We need to
know it, know that it's ok to feel it and we are then free to teach, help and guide others.
It is not a selfish understanding -
it is an essential understanding
Enjoy your true task journey, You are Beautiful and You deserve to Understand it, Accept it & Share it