When You feel nurtured, content and fulfilled
the time You spend with others will mean more
to You and to them.

Your time is Yours to give - Your time is also Yours to take, so why not take some. Take the time to do something that interests You, take the time to feel the summer breeze on Your cheeks, take the time to hear Yourself laugh, to see Yourself happy, to think about You. Think of it as a gift to yourself - which means no repayment. When You feel nurtured, content and fulfilled the time You spend with others will mean more to You and to them, because you will have strengthened Your beautiful spirit. So if You are feeling anxious (as we all do-at different times, for different reasons ) take the time to find and accept the peace that is within You and allow your inner guidance to help You understand how best to spend Your time. Here's Your soft task to help you accept that it's ok and possible to give Yourself this gift. Soft task: Pick a time of day tomorrow when You may sit uninterrupted for 15 minutes (figure it out). Tomorrow at that time, set the timer on Your phone for that 15 minutes. That's it, that's day 1. Now do the same for the following day, only this time it's 20 minutes worth of Your time. Day 3...don't do the exercise. Day 4 - what do You want to do? So if You decide (which You probably will) to continue putting this time aside then write down 4 idea's (that make you smile when You think about them) that reflect how You would like to spend the time that You have allotted yourself - the rest is up to you. If you practice giving Yourself the time to fulfill Your wishes Your positive spirit will reach those around You.
Soul Words: "I have a responsibility to myself and to others to take the time I need to nurture myself. I will practice experiencing inner peace and wellbeing."
Take the "time" to recite these words for the next few days, at least.
There is Only 1 True Beautiful You...
Your Path is Yours to Create...
Take one step at a time - don't look back, move forward toward creating your own beautiful path, your imprint will remain forever.
